research group
Flow Chemistry and Nanochemistry Research Group
principal investigator

Omar Ginoble Pandoli
Adjunct Professor
Chemistry Departament - PUC-RIO
Omar Pandoli received his Master's degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies from the Università di Bologna (Italy) in 2003, where he worked with Prof. Stefano Masiero in the synthesis of new photosensitive materials. He completed his doctorate in Chemistry at the Università di Bologna (Italy) in 2010 with Prof. Gian Piero Spada, where he studied the self-assembly of lipophilic guanosines in solution and on solid surface. In his post-doctorate he worked with organic-catalyzed continuous flow synthesis at Università di Ferrara (Italy) from 2008 to 2009, and with microfabrication of microfluidic devices and synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles at the University of Shanghai (China) from 2009 until 2011. Since 2012 he is part of the Chemistry department of PUC-RIO and teaches Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry. Since 2013, with the help of FAPERJ and CNPQ foment agencies, he started to develop different projects that deal with experiments in the field of organic chemistry, inorganic and microfluidic device manufacturing for applications in continuous flow synthesis and analytical sensors.
National and International

Prof. Rodrigo Octavio M. Alves de Souza
Associate Professor
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Chemistry Institute
Prof. Tommaso Del Rosso
Adjunct Professor
PUC-RIO of Rio de Janeiro
Physic department

Prof. Alessandro Massi
Associate Professor
University of Ferrara
Department of Chemical and Phamceutical Sciences

Prof. Daniele Fulvio
Adjunct Professor
PUC-RIO of Rio de Janeiro
Physic department
former group members
Carlos Rocha (2018 - Undergraduate Student)
Alison Felix de Araujo Maia (2018-Undergraduate Student)
Flávio Romero Couto Pires (2018-Undergraduate Student)
Leonardo Melo de Lima (2017-Master)
Gisele Silva da Cruz (2017-Undergraduate Student)
Rodrigo de Andrade Bustamante (2017-Undergraduate Student)
Leonardo Ewbank Vasconcellos (2017-Undergraduate Student)
Silvânia Marilene de Lima (2017-Post-doc)
Raquel dos Santos Martins (2016-Master)
Gabriela Degasperi Aversa (2016-Undergraduate Student)
Julina Brasil Villela Linhares (2016-Undergraduate Student)
Cecília Gomes Siqueira (2016-Undergraduate Student)
Bernardo Abraham Barbosa (2016-Undergraduate Student)
Paola Bastos Steiner de Almeida (2015-Undergraduate Student)
Julia Jorge Davidovic (2015-Undergraduate Student)
Juliana Martins da Silva Pinheiro (2015-Undergraduate Student)
Alexandr Zhemchuzhnikov (2015-Post-doc)
Hirschel Valiente Rouco (2015-Post-doc)
John Edicoson Hernández Sánchez (2013-Master)
Rodrigo Dias (2013-Undergraduate Student)
Mayara Mara Leite de Souza (2013-Undergraduate Student)
Renan de Siqueira Rezende (2013-Undergraduate Student)
Vinicius Modolo Santos (2013-Undergraduate Student)
Eric Montero Lobo Luz (2013-Undergraduate Student)
Isabella Bordallo (2013-Undergraduate Student)