research group
Flow Chemistry and Nanochemistry Research Group
Bio-nanocomposite of bamboo: a biomimetic microreator for organic synthesis in continuous flow.

This research aims to use the anatomy of bamboo and transform the plant vascular channels into a chemical microreator. The research conducted until now has led to the creation of a much cheaper and more sustainable prototype than the artificially made microfluidic systems currently available on the market.
In order to accelerate the organic reactions that will be performed in the device, we are working on the development of a methodology capable of depositing metallic nanoparticles along the vascular channels of the bamboo, so that they are catalyzed by the metal. Besides decreasing the time required to obtain the desired product, this strategy aims to reduce waste of reagents, process reactions with higher yields and to enable the use of solvents less aggressive to the environment.
Bio-nanocomposite of bamboo: a biomimetic microreator for organic synthesis in continuous flow.

This research aims to use the anatomy of bamboo and transform the plant vascular channels into a chemical microreator. The research conducted until now has led to the creation of a much cheaper and more sustainable prototype than the artificially made microfluidic systems currently available on the market.
In order to accelerate the organic reactions that will be performed in the device, we are working on the development of a methodology capable of depositing metallic nanoparticles along the vascular channels of the bamboo, so that they are catalyzed by the metal. Besides decreasing the time required to obtain the desired product, this strategy aims to reduce waste of reagents, process reactions with higher yields and to enable the use of solvents less aggressive to the environment.
In recent years, methods of design and characterization of nanosystems have grown considerably. Among these, those that have two sides or "faces" of different chemical natures, known as Janus nanoparticles (JNPs), stand out. One of the classes of JNPs that generates the most interest is one in which one hemisphere is hydrophobic and the other is hydrophilic. In this case, the JNPs have properties similar to those of surfactants, but in nanometric dimension. JNPs have attracted great attention because of their potential for diverse applications, such as: controlled release of drugs, bactericidal activity, biomarking, biomedical applications and catalytic activity. In order to manipulate and synthesize JNPs ensuring reproducibility, high control and scalability, it is necessary to explore new technologies such as microfluidic platforms. Microfluidic systems stand out due to the, minimum size of devices, faster reaction time, lower consumption of sample and reagent, precise control of thermal and mass transfer phenomena, strictly laminar flow, low consumption and dissipation energy, and low relative cost of production per device. In this project, amphiphilic metallic nanoparticles will be used for the selective growth of an oxide on only one side of the metal. This method of synthesis can allow a control of the morphology, size and crystalline phase of the oxide to be anchored to catalyze photocatalytic reactions. The Janus character will allow both faces containing different catalytic species to be simultaneously and selectively accessed by the reagents. As they deal with nanoparticles (NPs), there is a huge interface between the different phases and high surface area to be used for the catalytic reactions, which allows all catalysts to be accessed avoiding the waste of materials that will not participate in the reaction, as occurs with large particles. The main objective of this project is to establish a network among emerging researchers, creating a new line of research that is part of the state of the art of nanoscience and microfluidics, areas still incipient in Brazil and in the state of Rio de Janeiro. For this, the already established process of synthesis of gold JNPs in batch will be methodologically compared to the microfluidic processes developed. The diversity of possibilities offered by such NPs will allow to obtain systems with different properties combined, besides making possible their application for different purposes, such as photocatalysis, use in emulsions, among others. The project will therefore provide a promising contribution to the development and innovation of a sustainable technology with the potential of transforming the Brazilian microfabrication market of flow devices for the synthesis of amphiphilic and photocatalytic Janus nanoparticles.
In recent years, methods of design and characterization of nanosystems have grown considerably. Among these, those that have two sides or "faces" of different chemical natures, known as Janus nanoparticles (JNPs), stand out. One of the classes of JNPs that generates the most interest is one in which one hemisphere is hydrophobic and the other is hydrophilic. In this case, the JNPs have properties similar to those of surfactants, but in nanometric dimension. JNPs have attracted great attention because of their potential for diverse applications, such as: controlled release of drugs, bactericidal activity, biomarking, biomedical applications and catalytic activity. In order to manipulate and synthesize JNPs ensuring reproducibility, high control and scalability, it is necessary to explore new technologies such as microfluidic platforms. Microfluidic systems stand out due to the, minimum size of devices, faster reaction time, lower consumption of sample and reagent, precise control of thermal and mass transfer phenomena, strictly laminar flow, low consumption and dissipation energy, and low relative cost of production per device. In this project, amphiphilic metallic nanoparticles will be used for the selective growth of an oxide on only one side of the metal. This method of synthesis can allow a control of the morphology, size and crystalline phase of the oxide to be anchored to catalyze photocatalytic reactions. The Janus character will allow both faces containing different catalytic species to be simultaneously and selectively accessed by the reagents. As they deal with nanoparticles (NPs), there is a huge interface between the different phases and high surface area to be used for the catalytic reactions, which allows all catalysts to be accessed avoiding the waste of materials that will not participate in the reaction, as occurs with large particles. The main objective of this project is to establish a network among emerging researchers, creating a new line of research that is part of the state of the art of nanoscience and microfluidics, areas still incipient in Brazil and in the state of Rio de Janeiro. For this, the already established process of synthesis of gold JNPs in batch will be methodologically compared to the microfluidic processes developed. The diversity of possibilities offered by such NPs will allow to obtain systems with different properties combined, besides making possible their application for different purposes, such as photocatalysis, use in emulsions, among others. The project will therefore provide a promising contribution to the development and innovation of a sustainable technology with the potential of transforming the Brazilian microfabrication market of flow devices for the synthesis of amphiphilic and photocatalytic Janus nanoparticles.

The use of meso - and microfluidic systems has expanded in recent years, a fact that is intrinsically linked to environmental sustainability, high yield and production savings associated with these types of system.
In this project we are working on the combination of microfluidic systems with heterogeneous photocatalysis, through the immobilization of TiO2 in PDMS, offering new and wide possibilities of photocatalysed chemical reactions, more efficient than batch systems. For this reason, the investigation in the areas of microfluidic and heterogeneous photocatalysis with immobilization of TiO2 in PDMS, becomes an excellent alternative for the development of photocatalytic microfluidic devices with high oxidation power of organic compounds. The use of semiconductors, such as TiO2, doped with metals (Al, Ag and Au), has been reported in the literature as a way to increase photocatalytic efficiency due to the effect of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), which guarantees greater energy utilization and prevents the phenomenon of recombination of the photoexcited electron of the semiconductor. This project aims to improve the prototyping of micro and photocatalytic mesorreators by the deposition of nanostructured metal material (Al, Ag, Au) on a layer of TiO2 impregnated in PDMS. The generation of composite metal / semiconductor / PDMS (plasmonic photocalitic composite) incorporated in micro and mesorreators will be objects of study by the photodegradação of organic molecules in continuous flow. The steps that form the basis of this project are: a) Optimization of doping of the PDMS-TiO2 composite with Al, Ag and Au metals by high vacuum deposition by electron beams; b) prototyping of microfluidic and photofluoridic plasmodial devices with two techniques of microfabrication, CO2 laser printing and soft photolithography c) photodegradation tests of organic molecules and comparison of the plasticity photocatalytic efficiency of the devices with and without nanostructured metal.